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The Bugatti Briefer You Didn’t Know You Needed until Today

Bugatti is a brand associated with elegance, luxury, and speed. These supercars boast high-performance, exquisite craftsmanship, and a hefty price tag to boot with Bugatti cars claiming two spots in the list of the ten most expensive cars available in the market for 2021.

Many have dreamed of driving a Bugatti at least once in their lives, but only a select few were able to do so. Rarer still are the people who would wake up in the morning, go down to their garage, and decide to take a long drive with their shiny new Bugatti. It makes you wonder, who would make such expensive cars and why are they so expensive?

We wondered that too. That’s why here’s a quick Bugatti guide for you.

What Is Bugatti’s History?

Ettore Bugatti started the company in Molsheim, Alsace in 1909. Back then, they produced cars together with railway parts, tools, and engines to optimize the factory’s utility and ensure that they had a stable source of income.

In the 1930s, as his business and the technology he used evolved, Bugatti was able to explore other interests. He ventured into designing and manufacturing high-speed trains that are hailed as the forefather of modernized trains today. He was also interested in designing and manufacturing planes. The product of this venture now sits at the EAA Aviation Museum.

Although the company survived two World Wars, the demand for cars decreased after every war. The bleak business future became bleaker after Ettore’s death in 1947 and the factory had to stop production in 1956.

The factory wasn’t shut down for long and the name was sold and re-sold throughout the years. It was sold to Hispano-Suiza in 1963, to Romano Artioli in 1987, and finally to Volkswagen in 1998.

Why Is It So Expensive?

Firstly, Bugatti cars are expensive because they are expensive to make. Bugatti doesn’t skimp on anything. They use top-quality materials, state-of-the-art technology, and superior craftsmanship to produce one car—that means they spend a lot of money to make that happen.

Secondly, Bugatti cars are pricey because of their factory’s location. Most car companies will either outsource labor or move to a different country altogether—and then there’s Bugatti and their factory in Alsace, France. How much is France’s minimum wage? It’s 1,539.42 EUR per month as of June of 2020.

Lastly, Bugatti cars cost a pretty penny because they are exclusive. To maintain the quality of the vehicles they manufacture, the brand insists on producing a limited number of models. This, together with the high demand for their product, drives prices up.

Can You Customize A Bugatti?

Yes, you can customize a Bugatti. In fact, you can customize any car you want, but sometimes you just want to inject your personality into a piece of automotive brilliance.

If you have a Bugatti, you would want the exquisite engineering, design, and performance to shine. Leave the neon and animal print wraps for another car and focus on the interior elements like the seat belt.

Custom seat belts allow you to sprinkle a little of your personality in your car without distracting from the recognizable Bugatti aesthetic. You can choose any custom seat belt color to add a little flair to an otherwise generic-looking interior.


Bugatti cars are expensive because the materials and technology used are pricey, the location of their factory legally requires them to spend more on labor costs, and their desire to produce high-quality cars limits the units they manufacture.

The price tag shouldn’t prevent you from customizing it to your taste. It’s your car, and you can do anything with it. And if you want to let the Bugatti’s beauty shine while adding a little of your personality, focusing on the interiors and custom seat belts is the way to go.

If you want to showcase your sense of style through custom seat belts, trust Color Seat Belts. Our experienced team can replace your seat belt with any color you want. Contact us today to learn more about our 24-hour turnaround time and lifetime warranty!

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